WinterLAB [+] @ Laboral, Asturias

Laboral organised a meeting on community and the critical use of technology with a weekend programme of presentations, round tables and workshops in November 2015. 

Here you can see the streaming of the presentation.

WinterLAB is aimed at exchanging community work experiences that foster the creative use of technology and bring the new media for creation and production closer to the public.The aim of the hands-on workshops is to disseminate maker and DIY culture among the general public and, at the same time, provide professionals with open source tools and techniques suitable for creative projects.

The workshop was an overview of techniques and digital fabrication methods where different background participants worked with 3D printing on Fabric, 3D modeling and laser Cutting.




We have used the customizer application of Thingiverse and the mesostructured materials development of Andreas Bastian  to create different patterns and understand adjustable flexibilities imposed by the density, the shape, the thickness and the height. Flexible structures, auxetic, bistable geometries are one of the options on 3D printing for elastic performance.



 We also had some participants that brought patrons and wanted to digitalise them, so we made an “easy patron” tutorial.

We took pictures of the paper patron and designed their outlines in Rhinoceros. We also applied patterns for laser engraving on the synthetic neoprene that turn to be darker after the etching. White color turns brown and dark colours would not make much difference.


easy patron fab textiles

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