computational couture

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Textile Academy Bootcamp @ WEMAKE , Milan

Our annual Bootcamp will take place in Milan !  After the first edition of the Textile- Academy , from September 2017- March 2018, we come back for our annual Bootcamp, where professionals, future instructors, students and artists gather together to have a skills exchange and training of 40 intensive hours.

If you are interested in becoming a future Node and you did not have the chance to attend one of our Bootcamps, if you are a student that always wanted to learn about 3D printing in Fashion, Bacteria textile dying, Graphene 3D printing and open source circular fashion, this is the course for you! If you are very far away you can also attend our course online!

In order to reserve your spot , click on the image below:


Detailed schedule:

Reserve your place HERE !

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Computational Couture @Beyond

Last May 19th to 22nd, in the context of the International Construction faire Construmat  and within the Pavilion of InnovationIaaC|Fab Lab Barcelona runned the Computational Couture workshop.

The Computational Couture workshop focused on expanding the horizons of dress making towards an algorithmic approach, and taking design beyond the physical functions of the body (movement, protection, temperature regulation) towards the evolution of cultural expression.During the workshop participants coming from different backgrounds had the possibility to work in a multidisciplinary context to co create this custom fitted clothing that brings together computation, fashion design and digital fabrication.

Computational couture looks at the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing (typical of haute couture) through the lens of a systemic approach, extending the sartorial techniques with 3D modeling and computation-based approaches developed in Rhinoceros and the visual programming environment Grasshopper.Aim of the workshop is to exert, infuse and expand the sartorial sensibilities to body proportions and dress making into an algorithmic approach that loops through design and fabrication by means of laser cutting and 3d printing for the design and production of a garment.

Tutors> Alessio Erioli, Anastasia Pistofidou, Lidija Stanojcic








