
class="post-1697 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-exhibitions tag-3d-print-on-fabric tag-3d-printed-fashion tag-anastasia-pistofidou tag-cristian-rizzuti tag-fab12 tag-fabtextiles tag-madeat-eu tag-maker-movement tag-material-catalogue tag-modular-garments tag-reconfigurable-clothes tag-ricardo-nascimento tag-shenzhen tag-taska tag-troy-nachtigall">

FAB12 @ Shenzhen

The 3rd edition for the Digital Fashion and Wearables was exhibited during Fab12 Conference in Shenzhen and counted with the participation of many diverse and versatile projects. Our mission is to showcase projects that demonstrate digital fabrication applications in education, research and entrepreneurship that are transforming the fashion industry and innovating its technologies creatively.fab lab il shenzhenExtended material catalogues from Fab textilesOpenTextiles and Fab Lab Il form part of the parallel research being conducted in the fab labs. The material catalogue is one of the most important steps when investigating and is part of the textile lab inventory. All the research conducted is being gathered and documented in the forms of tangible material catalogues that can pass from generation to generation of investigators that explore the possibilities of each technique and material and empower parallel developments.open textiles fab12Two projects developed during Madeat.eu residencies under the mentorship, technical support and guidance of the Fabtextiles captured the attention of the public for the artistic applications in the field of performative arts that wearables are bringing to the textile and fashion industry.   Elastica a wearable suit developed by Cristian Rizzuti controls sound by the dancing. The artist proposes new mediums for creation for the performers to extend and augment their body using it as an instrument that harmonically brings sound and movement together. Batuque developed by Ricardo O’ Nascimento, inspired from the Afro-Brazilian faith Candomblé, creates a creature like ceremonial atmosphere that moves with the rhythm of the sound.Ricardo o Nascimento Madeat.euProducts that emerge and can be produced in small series prove the ability of the Fab Labs to favor new talented designers, generate new markets and empower circular economy models. Taska Bag is one of them, having fabricated more than 100 versions in a distributed manufacturing to eliminate long distance shipping, to use locally sourced materials anywhere and gives the customer a change for easy customization. Maquinar.io is a project of Fab Lab Santiago that works with local designers and has an online shop with innovative products made in Chile.taska fab12Beyond conventional materials goes the research conducted by IAAC students on the seminar Skin2. The seminar seeks to answer through prototypes and speculative design what will the human of the future be like by augmenting the self and extending the body. Working with bioplastics and kombucha supplemented through embedded electronics a crucial task for the students was to think about futuristic applications and implications of a second skin.

skin2 fab12 webSParametric computational design for fashion and education show us how digital tools can be used for designing systems for generative products. Hatori, by FabTextiles is a parametric origami hat that can be modified according to the aesthetics of the user and laser cut in different materials. Noumena‘s workshop Imprimida shows us 3D printed applications of computational design, physical computing and digital fabrication during an eight day workshop.13987580_1018163058279747_7130722571933589217_o3D printing is an important player for the industry focus, opening the possibilities of new aesthetics, new materials and concepts for fashion. We already see lots of brands having implemented 3D printing in their products which proves again that the fashion industry goes ahead when putting new technologies in the chain production. Our featuring artist, Troy Nachtigall presented his creations on 3D printing with a highlight on his 3D printed colorful shoes, Veronica Betancur presented a 3D printed garment printed entirely in flexible PLA with the printers of her University in Colombia as her final thesis project after her 6 month internship at fabtextiles lab in Fab Lab Barcelona3d printing fab12 web

fab 12 shenzhen

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The exhibition was presented during Fab13 festival and was supported by SIDA, Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association


class="post-1727 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-fab-textiles category-mannequins tag-composites tag-fab-textiles tag-fab12 tag-mannequin tag-wood-bending">

Mannequin 2016

mannequin fab12

One of the lab´s research themes is the design and production of digital mannequins as an abstract representation of the human body using different fabrication processes and materials. In order to obtain the body you can either scan yourself – even using 123d catch of skanect or you can make your proportions replica with MakeHuman freeware. Up to now we have a waffle mannequin and various stacked mannequins using 123 make application but this year we decided to focus on the creation of a laminated composite of textile and thin wood bending process on a high density foam mold. The idea of a soft-hard mannequin like skin and bones that is sketched with few lines but at the same time maintains structural properties.

mannequin fab

The composite is made of 3 layers of wooden stripes and 3 of textile alternating and glued with cascamite wood glue, layers over the CNC milled molds and vacuum pressed for 5hours. The final pieces are joined with screws.

molds for wood bendingvacuum forming

Making of: https://www.instagram.com/p/BIIcWpgAlOP/

fab12 fabtextiles